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Ice’s Falcon BMS Profile Updated to 4.36-05
Updated 13 December 2022:
The first post has been updated with the latest version.
Please note the requirement for BMS Falcon 4.36 U3 and Helios Version 1.6.5500.0 or later.
- Added all of the BMS Falcon 4.36 U3 updated charts for Japan, China and Russia.
- Added all available updated charts for the latest Balkans and Israel theatres. The Airports all have an Airport Chart but most of the DEPARTURE/TACAN/ILS charts are still missing.
- Removed the Nordic theatre charts since the latest charts are now in a format which is incompatible with the format used in this profile.
- The RPM Gauge now automatically sets the correct GE/PW version based on aircraft type.
- The Fuel Gauge now automatically sets the correct LH/RH needle fan based on aircraft type.
- The IFF/AUX COMM panels are now automatically selected based on aircraft type.
- The Air Brake Indicator on the Landing Gear Panel now shows the actual Air Brake position via a moving tape.
- Selecting the hidden button on the Landing Gear Panel Air Brake Indicator now toggles the Air Brake Open/Closed.
- The Caution Panel now displays for a few seconds for each new fault detected.
- The profile now checks for an incorrect Helios version and notifies the user accordingly.
- A notification from “DataAutoUpdate” that the Arial Narrow font is missing is included.
- This latest Helios version adds %BMSFalconPath% and %HeliosPath% environmental variables to the Process Control interface. All of the executable files in the C:\Bin folder have therefore been modified to access the required paths via command line parameters sent from the Process Control interface. None of the executables can now be run as a standalone application and the “PathNames.ini” file is redundant and has been removed.
- The standard profile can now use RTT MFDs for both the Centre Console and the Zoomed Console without the need for an additional profile. The full setup instructions to enable this are provided in the separate Setup Guide. If you aren’t experiencing lagging MFDs then it isn’t recommend changing to this since there wouldn’t be any advantage.
- Requires “g_bExportRTTTextures 1” to be set in the Falcon_BMS.cfg file found in \User\Config.
- Requires “set g_nKnobAccelerationDelta 0” to be added to the Falcon_BMS.cfg file found in \User\Config.