ZitatThis will be my only post on this, and while we won't discuss the next commercial product(s), you can bet they will feature nothing less than the functionality and features of Allied Force. A new graphics engine will be part of the overhaul and there'll be continued emphasis on the multiplayer aspect. The rest of the features I won't go into, other than to convey that Microsoft doesn't rewrite the entire codebase from scratch with every product. Significantly enhanced yes, but rewritten, no. Those who stress that things need to be completely rewritten are usually those who don't have an extraordinary base to write much from. Exciting times are ahead. The next update from us though, will of course be 1.0.6
Kurz: Falcon kommt noch mal! Lead Pursuit investiert sein Geld in die Entwicklung einer nagelneuen Grafikengine. Das bekannte Gameplay soll erhalten und neue Features hinzugefügt werden. Na mal gucken....