Force on Force(human vs humans)

  • Hi, I am Greg v.XO of 320vFS of e-haf (e- Hellenic Air Force) Our site is

    First of all well done for the job you have made with your site and squadrom.

    The reason I post in your forum is to invite you in a force on force(humans vs humans) with our squadrom.We played many fof's setups with other virtual squads from Greece,Spain and the U.K. and the experience you gain from these events is really great.

    The setup we use for the fof's is Falcon 4.0 Allied Force 1,13.
    We usually fly comao vs cap setups.

    Let us know if you are interested and if you are we can arrange time,mission,number of pilots and other details :zubefehl:

  • S! greg,

    nice to hear from you - especially hearing from an international squadron based in Greece !
    We would like to apologize as we were not able to reply to your posting earlier. Internal workload postponed public relations.

    Of course it would be great to fly a force on force against another squad.
    Could you give us some more information about the event you are thinking of?
    Facts like count of humans needed, setting, TE/CP and the possible time would be of interest! Another aspect could be the brevities and general communication. There is no point in speaking English for most of us - concerning the rest we have to translate ;)

    As already told we would need some more information before we are able to accept the invitation. As we are a quite well manned squad, we have to follow certain structures :)

    Hopefully we can achive a meeting in the air !

    Best regards!
    Mario 'Cougar' H.
    1st Glory Wings VFW

  • :blush:
    I'm really sorry answering so late.

    The events we fly are human vs human usually a 14 vs 8 setup.
    14 pilots fly as a comao trying to strike a targer.
    8 pilots fly Cap trying to bring the comao down.The target is protected with Sams (usually Patriot and Hawk's) so this will help the Cap package which has fewer pilots.The number of A-A weapons will be the same for both teams.(For example 16 aim-120 and 20 aim-9)
    Our squad prefers to fly comao but we flied Cap too many times.
    We are able to use a human awacs too if you want.

    The setup we use for these events is Falcon Allied Force 1,13.We can fly in Balkans 2010 theater.
    Your team will establish Cap or Comao so you will need to speak english only in the start of the event as we getting in the serrver teamspeak etc.So dont worry about it :twinkle:

    We can arrange the event in April so we will have much time in front of us to get ready.We have 1 hour difference between our countries so there won't be any problem with the hour :tornado:

    If you are interested we will create the mission and briefings and give them to you so you will be prepared.
    As for the server we will connec,we need a strong server to deal with 22 pilots.We played in ours in the past but if your's is strong too we can fly there.

    I'm glad you answered and sorry again for my delay:winnke2:

  • Hi greg,

    Don't care about posting late, experienced the same problem ;) It's never too late to organize a great event ^^

    Thanks for all the information about the event!
    We will discuss the topic within the next few days/weeks (I'm sorry I am not able to provide you with a certain date) within the squad.
    Now we have to get OUR resources department online to get the number of volunteers for the event and to check for possible hosts ...

    I'll call you back and provide the the latest information in this thread !

    Looking forward to the realisation of the project !

    Best regards

  • Hi there.It's been a while.Is there finally any interest in organizing an event?We fly in Open Falcon 4,7 +Aegean theater and in Allied force 1.13 .

    Thanks in advance:zubefehl: