110th "Knights of the north" squadron

  • HelloIm from the israeli squadron 110thWe would love to train with u we can make alot of Training together and each can learn from the other and gain more Expirience'Contact me on MSN : Ezana9@walla.com or via Email : ezana7@walla.comi highly preffer MSN'Good day and happy new year ;)we fly OpenFlacon

  • hi ezana

    thank you for the request. i think we have to discuss this with all in the crew, because not all of us are as good in speaking englisch. but for me it sounds good.
    open falcon would be nice to fly. we fly, at the moment, only Allied Force. so we could learn from you to fly the OF. do you have often crashes from OF?

    happy new year to israel ;)

    Eine F-16 kommt selten alle...

  • Well u guys really need to fly OF most realistic falcon version.
    i dont have often Craches. actually with the right settings u will bearlly have crash maybe once in a while but its worth it.
    Well i can try to help u with the installition and u can fly both AF and OF
    Im orgnaizing RedFlag scenerio for Open falcon Squadrons, at the moment the greeks and the Belgians are in. still need to ask the turkish guys and more squadrons for joining the event.
    hope this squad will join to
    well i hope the Commander of the squad will talk to me on MSN because im not gonna be here in the squadron forum.
    My msn : Ezana9@walla.com

  • Hi ezana

    Thanks for your request
    Does your squadron also have a homepage? Would be nice to fly "international missions". We have a few pilots who fly OF.


    If flying were the language of men, soaring would be it's poetry

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tomahawk (11. Februar 2011 um 18:45)

  • Well at the moment my Squadron does not have a website, but we will in the future.
    Sorry if its taking to me a long time to respond in this forum, i bearlly get in here :)
    feel free to give me the MSN Address of the squadron commander so i can get in touch with him about join operations

  • Hi ezana

    Our squadron commander promoted me to our "squadron embassador", so I am your contact person.
    Please check your message box on our homepage.


    If flying were the language of men, soaring would be it's poetry