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Setup BMS
Setup BMS for the 1st VFW
Published on 09-11-2011 04:14 PM
F4-BMS Multiplayer Standard Operating Procedures
Before You Can Fly:
Before you can fly online with us in BMS, you MUST do the following (we will check):
Forward port UDP 2934-2937 and ports 9987-9989
Anti-Virus / Windows Firewall
Disable your anti-virus and turn off Windows Firewall
BMS Config File
In your Falcon BMS folder -> User folder -> Config Folder -> Open the file Falcon BMS.cfg with Notepad
Add these lines to the top of the config file (copy and paste) then save the file:
set g_bShareMpClouds 0
set g_bMessageStatistics 0
set g_bEnableRakNetPacketLogger 0
The “set g_bShareMpClouds” is required for all pilots because of that feature causing connection issues. The other two are optional but recommended because they result in saving very large text files and take up hard drive space. Do not edit anything else in your config file. After adding the lines above, save and close the file.
You can use this tool to check if ports are ok: PORT CHECKER UTILITY
To use that application to test your ports:
Be sure BMS is not running
You need to have at least one other user to test your ports with you
Both of you launch F4PortTest.exe
Exchange your IP and enter it in the label "To IP" (for example, I would enter another pilot's IP here if he was checking his ports with me)
Enter your callsign in the *Message* section
Push to "Send"
If your ports are ok the other user will get a message with your callsign in it. Both users should do it. The host of missions will require you to send him a message to check ports before we fly.
Make sure you are not using voice activation for Teamspeak, and make sure your Teampseak push –to-talk is not the same as your IVC Comm1 or Comm2
Make sure you have a key binding to mute your Teamspeak mic to ensure you don’t transmit on both TS and IVC.
Multiplayer Connection SOPS
1. Prior to beginning the connection process, the Host will direct the rest of the pilots to the TS channel he/she has reserved in the ATO.
2. Prepare to Fly - Before you fly online in any simulator, make sure you sure all of your hardware is ready to go and you have done a quick test flight in the game. For example, you make sure your flight stick profile is loaded (the push-to-talk is setup for IVC or Teamspeak depending on the flight), your Track IR is loaded, etc... Then go into BMS, click on Setup => Controllers and make sure they are set up and function properly. Then go launch one of the training Tactical Engagements (i.e. Basic Flight) and make sure everything is working. Once you confirm everything is operational, you can back out and you are ready to fly.
3. Be on Time - If you sign up for a flight, be on time and be ready to fly (you've already done the required step above before the scheduled flight time). Please remember to respect other member's time. They may only have a few hours to get their flight in, and if someone holds up the flight, they may have to drop out. This applies to the Host of the mission as well.
4. Connection Information - The Host will provide the mission IP, the IVC IP (if you are using IVC), the theater, and the connection bandwidth. At the 1st VFW we use a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 512 for client bandwidth with 256 being ideal. We will use 256 for all our standard flights. In our tests, exceeding 512 or using a bandwidth below 200 caused connection issues. The Host will set his connection bandwidth to 80% of his upload speed (you can test your connection at speedtest.net). The sum of the client's bandwidth cannot exceed the Host's bandwidth setting. For example, if the Host sets his bandwidth to 1,000, he can only host 5 clients maximum at 200 bandwidth (5x200 = 1,000). The Host enters for the "Connect to IP" address section and in the "Dedicated IVC Server" if he is also hosting the IVC. If he's not hosting IVC, he would enter the IVC host's IP under "Dedicated IVC Server". Clients enter the mission IP in the "Connect to IP" section in BMS and the IVC IP under "Dedicated IVC Server". It is important the clients enter the bandwidth in the "Bandwidth" section and press enter to make sure it was entered. If you aren't using IVC, uncheck the IVC green boxes and only enter the Host's mission IP and bandwidt
5. Connection Procedure: Host - If IVC is going to be used, the Host launches the BMS launcher, then clicks on IVC Server. This will open a black window. The Host then launches BMS by clicking on "Launch". Once in the game User Interface (UI), the Host enters in "Connect to IP Address", enters his bandwidth, and then enters in the "Dedicated IVC Server" section. The host reviews the information is correct and then clicks Connect. BMS will minimize to the task bar while it launches the IVC client, then he clicks back on BMS in the task bar to get back into the User Interface. The Host then says "Comms are Up" and that lets the clients know it's time to connect.
6. Connection Procedure: Client - If IVC is being used, the clients launch BMS by clicking on "Launch" and enter the mission IP address in the “Connect to IP Address” section and enter the same IP (if the mission host is all the IVC host) into the “Dedicated IVC Server” field. Clients do not need to connect to IVC before launching BMS. When you click connect, BMS will minimize while it launches the IVC client and you simply click back on BMS in the task bar to re-enter the BMS UI.
7. Text Check In - Once in the Comms window, pilots must perform a text check in. This is simply entering a number for how many clients you see in the Chat Lobby/Comms window after connecting. For example, if you see 5 callsigns in the Chat Lobby, you enter "5" to let the other clients know you see them. This is a legacy Falcon procedure that is used to confirm all pilots see each other.
8. IVC Mic Check - Once a pilot enters the Chat Lobby, he should perform an IVC mic check. This is done by pressing and holding F1 or F2 to transmit. For example, “Demo mic check on IVC, how copy?”. The Host will reply if he hears you “Solid copy Demo 5 by 5” or “Lima Charlie” (meaning loud and clear). If a pilot has issues with communicating on IVC in the chat lobby, he will have a limited time to try and resolve the issue, so be sure to test your IVC before flying online!
9. Entering the Mission Screen - Once everyone has entered the Chat Lobby and a text check-in has been performed, the Host will bring up the mission. The Host will make sure all the settings are set to realistic and allow external views. Once the mission is up and the Host has stopped the clock, he will say "Campaign/TE is up" which means the clients can enter the mission screen. If there are more than 10 people in the Chat Lobby, it's required to enter in Chat Lobby order. This is done by looking at the list of callsigns in the Chat Lobby and going in that order. The first pilot on the list says "[Callsign] is committing" then once in the Mission Screen and the client has stopped the clock he would say "[Callsign is in, clock stopped]". Then the next pilot in the list would do the same until all pilots are in the mission screen. No changes should be made while clients are entering the mission screen. It is very important to note that only the Host should edit steerpoints and flights, and only Flight Leads are allowed to enter the Loadout/Munitions screen.