Aufgrund gegebenen Anlasses einer anderen - mittlerweile nicht mehr existenten - Staffel habe ich im BMS Forum nach Copyright Threads gesucht und folgende Aussage eines Devs gefunden, der mehr oder weniger bei BMS mitarbeitet...
"BMS is a mod for Falcon 4, if you don't have the orginal Microprose release you won't be able to install it. At the moment, most of the copies of the original Falcon 4 are currently sold out because everyone is buying them to install BMS. The money are going to the IP, BMS is just more business for them and I'm sure they don't have a problem with that. In fact, if it wasn't for BMS nobody would be interested in buying a 10 years old sim.
I would also like to quote the interview with Kevin Klemmick (he was the Lead Software Engineer for Falcon 4 at Microprose).
In 2000 the source code of Falcon 4.0 leaked out and after that groups of volunteers were able to make fixes and enhancements that assured the longevity of this sim. Do you see the source code leak as a good or bad event?
Absolutely a good event. In fact I wish I’d known who did it so I could thank them. I honestly think this should be standard procedure for companies that decide not to continue to support a code base.
also einfach chillen und fliegen...oder wie würde Popy sagen: peace
PS: Da ist der Thread:…highlight=legal