Hallo, habe mir das Israel-Theater runtergeladen.
Die Exe-Datei habe ich auch schon gestartet, danach hatte sich alles
installiert. Wie weise ich nun BMS an, mir dieses Theater auch anzuzeigen,
damit ich es laden kann.
Gruß Bluebird

Israel Theater
uuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bluebird, da hast Du Dir jetzt aber einen Virus eingefangen!
- um das Theater zu starten, einfach im Hauptfenster oben rechts das Theater ensprechend wechseln und WICHTIG; den BMS bei Theaterwechsel immer nochmals komplett neu starten, könnte Probs geben!
PS: das mit dem Virus war ein verspäteter Aprilscherz
Viel Spass!
Israel Theater habe ich auch schon runtergeladen.Habe es aber noch nicht installiert.Hat irgendwer erfahrungen sammeln können ob es die Standart BMS Installation verändert?Das will ich vermeiden.
Lg Bflat
Einfach nix in der Konfiguration verstellen... dann passt das auch.
Im Anhang hab ich hier auch noch die Funkfrequenzen etc. für das Israel-Theater.
- Offizieller Beitrag
Sehr gut, endlich.
Danke Cupra!
Israel Theater is gefixt und geupdated worden. Ihr könnt das neue jetzt hier runter ziehen: Download IT-BMS_v096 Sind 865 MB zum suagen.
Dazu noch einige Daten vom Autor:
IT-BMS aims to model realistically the environment of Israel and nearby countries, present-day scenarios, and weapon systems as used in the region.MAJOR FEATURES
-Accurate terrain with high resolution tiles by Polak. Photo real coverage in selected areas including the Dead Sea, Jerusalem, Haifa, Ramat David airport and Tel Aviv. Realistic elevations based on SRTM data.
-Modeling of all F-16 variants in the region - IAF F-16A/B/C-30/C-40/D-40/I/I-CFT, EAF F-16C 32/42, RJoAF MLU - 13 squadrons total , with proper skins, models, loadout and avionics details as much as BMS allows (some A-G weapons which are not used in the region were left in the DB to give the player the choice to fly totally realistically if desired). Custom cockpits for IAF C and I models.
-Three modern campaigns (WIP), two Syria scenarios and one Egypt scenario with correct IAF squadrons operating from real life airports
-Realistic training environment with range of training missiles and bombs. Six real life target ranges in Israel
-Actual airport frequencies across the theater with supplied airport diagrams and ILS approach charts of selected airports for realistic operations
-To Hebrew speakers, supplied full Hebrew emergency and normal ops checklists based on IAF and LM documents
-Complete Hebrew ATC recordings (optional)
-TE templates with correct borders and pre-saved IAF squadrons in real life airportsFAQ
The AIM-120 is not carried by blocks 30 and 40 of the IAF and EAF, as in real life. IAF F-16I and Jordanian MLU carry it. Also, EAF F-16Cs carry AIM-7.WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TE TEMPLATES?
Both templates contain accurate border lines and have most of the IAF squadrons pre-saved in the correct airbase. We recommend to build TEs by editing a template and re-saving your file.
TEMPLATE1-REALISTIC is defined so that only Syrian and Palestinian forces are hostile to Israeli forces. The other countries are neutral.
TEMPLATE2-ALL_HOSTILE is defined so that all the countries are hostile to Israeli forces.WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN F-16-30I / F-16-40I AND F-16I?
30I and 40I are upgraded older models, while the F-16I is based on the F-16D-52+. It can carry the AIM-120, has stronger ECM, higher maximal takeoff weight and CFTs. For details see "Aircraft, Vehicle and Munition Modifications.pdf".
Note that because the F-16I is a two seat variant, and because many sub systems of the F-16I are not modeled within BMS, we feel that flying blocks C-30I and C-40I yields a more realistic experience.WHAT DOES THE FLIGHT MODELS PATCH IN THE THEATER CONFIGURATION EDITOR MODIFY?
Chaff and flare amounts, presence of a breaking chute, and graphical effect for practice bombs. No performance data is altered by the patch.EXTERNAL UTILITIES
1) To change settings in the IT-BMS configuration editor, run: "Israel Theater Settings.exe" from your main BMS directory.2) To uninstall, run: "Israel Theater Uninstaller.exe" from your main BMS directory.
1) Ground units may encounter problems with movement due to issues with links between objectives. This will be addressed in later releases.2) For the F-16I-CFT it is realistic to always decrease the amount of fuel by 1400 lbs in the munitions screen.
This is because no flight model of F-16D-52+CFT is present in the BMS data, and so the F-16I-CFT uses FM of F-16*C*-52+CFT. The I is a two seat variant unlike the F-16C-52+CFT, which holds 1400 lbs more internal fuel.
Note that the F-16I without CFT uses FM of D-52 and so holds the correct amount of internal fuel.3) It is recommended to restart Falcon BMS after switching theaters. We've encountered CTDs in campaigns which were started directly after switching.
4) In rare cases (probably system depedent) HUD symbology is not visible. This appears to be linked to the HUD projection mod. If you encounter this problem, copy the original 3993.dds file from Data\Terrdata\objects\KoreaObj to Data\Add-On Israel\terrdata\israel\objects\KoreaObj
5) When loading a saved campaign file the description of the second campaign is shown regardless of the actual saved campaign. This seems to be a general 4.32 issue.
Und natürlich wie es sich gehört noch der Patchlog:
0.96 – 25.11.2012
All BMS data changes up to Update 3 were applied to IT – huge thanks to BMS for providing detailed changelogs!
Updated IAF F-16 models and skins:
--F-16C-30/40 LODS are now properly modeled with GE engine and specific IAF modifications – tail base extension and enlarged navigation lights below the cockpit.
--LITENING pod carried on IAF F-16s block 30 and up. F-16I carries in addition the AAQ-14 LANTIRN navigation pod.
--Pilots on IAF F-16s now wear IAF patches.
--Darker main landing gear.
--Darker GE engine nozzle on C/D models, black PW nozzle on I model.
Corrected squadron tail art on 3D cockpit for two squadrons.
New tower & TACAN frequencies as well documentation by Nikos (neystratiou). All airports now use real life data. Also fixes ATC issues with airports outside Israel.
Automatic loading of the custom cockpit textures of IAF F-16C/I by using independent cockpit LODs and parents.
Rebuilt and simplified theater configuration editor.
More features in target ranges.
Improved HUD projection mod by FanOfBMS432.
Improved tiles at Ovda and Hatzor airports. Modified roads around them to match.
New EAF skins from Battle for Sinai theater: Mirage 2000 EGM, F-16C-32E, F-16C-42E, Il-28, Tu-16, An-24, Su-7BMK.
Modified MiG-23 skin with Syrian markings.
New CH-47 skin by Aeyes.
New munitions skins by JanHas: Hawk, GBU-38-TR, AA-10, SA-5, SA-6, SA-11
New squadron patches for all IAF F-16 squadrons in the UI.
Fixed wrong drag and weight values of several pylons and drop tanks (4.32 bug), this is incorporated into the DB now (was optional).
AIM-120 removed from blocks 30 and 40 (was optional). F-16I and Jordanian MLU remain AIM-120 capable. Also Egyptian blocks 32/42 can carry AIM-7.
Fix for F-16A-15 chaff and flares not working (4.32 bug) incorporated into the flight models patch in the configuration editor.
Fixed hanger orientation in Ramon.
Defined value to oil / gas platforms in sea (was zero).
Fixed Jordanian MLU skin.
Deleted unconnected road segments near Ovda.
Zeroed damage value of CATM-120.
Fixed Israel name and flag on OOB screen.
Fixed missing “plain” areas in water tile sets.
Removed unneeded swamp type areas near El-Arish.
Added CFT to LOD2 of F-16I-CFT.
Fixed tiles alignment with runway at Beirut and Wujah Al Hajar airports.
Rebuilt THR file.
Moved several misplaced ground features.
Fixed exploding aircraft in Palmahim.
Changed role of F-16C squadrons in campaigns from A-A to general.
Reduced generation of SEAD missions for single seat models. F-16D and F-16I unaffected.
Fixed Egyptian and Syrian squadrons which were not assigned properly to an airbase.
F-16I without CFT is set to use flight model of F-16D-52 so fuel amount is correct now for this two seater aircraft (this was optional before as part of flight models patch).
Fuel amount of the F-16I with CFT is still 1400 lbs above what it should be as there is no flight model for a two seater with CFT in BMS, so it uses FM of F-16C-52+-CFT – it is therefor recommended to reduce fuel load by 1400lbs in the munitions screen when flying F-16I-CFT.
Fixed airbase name in Cyprus in the third campaign.
Corrected weight of training missiles.
Moved Port Said sea port to shore.
Fixed wrong taxi sign in Hatzerim.
In campaigns Israel and Coalition Forces are grouped under a team so there is no redundancy when displaying assets in the OOB screen.
New hangar texture in Hatzor and Ramon.
Moved uninstaller to root BMS folder.
Fixed H4 airport in Jordan – it previously had buildings on the runway.
Removed non-IAF KC-135 skins. Fixed director lights.
Addressed compatibility with Battle for Sinai theater so both theaters can be installed / uninstalled independently.
Updated most existing documentation with added information and changes. Reorganized Docs folder.
New documents:
--TACAN navigation aid.
--Ramat David landing pattern diagram.
--Hatzerim airport diagram.
--Navaids list by Nikos.
--MAIP (approach charts) by Nikos with charts for Ben Gurion, Hatzor, Ramat David, Ramon, Abu Suwary (Egypt) and Rafic Hariri (Beirut, Lebanon).
Fixed “160 miles” radio call with Hebrew ATC enabled.Und jetzt, viel Spass
Ich muss es eh grad neu installieren, da schadet das Update gleich gar nicht
Deinstallieren is nicht nötig. Einfach ausführen und drauf machen. Wenn ihr ne alte Version habt davon wird sie automatisch deinstalliert.
Thx Cupra
Muss ich direkt mal installieren.Die erste Version fand ich schon sehr gut.
Lg Bflat
Thx, wird gesaugt!
Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes: "GESAUGT" mit knapp 1000 kbit/s
über 1 Stunde. -
Der Weg ist das Ziel
Da war ich mit im Mittel 995 KB/s ja nedd viel langsamer.
sehr gut danke Cupra....bei mir hats auch lang gedauert...wusste nicht was ich die 5 min machen sollte...
- Offizieller Beitrag
Sorry Cupra,
der Link ist "out of order".
Gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit an die Daten zu kommen?
Dro16 -